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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Finally, a holiday

After working for 1.5 years, I am finally taking a holiday. You know, the kind where you go somehere to relax, shop and do things that will make you forget about work..

I dunno why i never took a break.. well mayb it was because my friends were all still schooling, and i basically had no one to go on a holiday with. I suddenly wonder why didnt i go taiwan last year. things may not be the same.

anw... i'm flying off to phuket tmr, with my dear friends sui li and meryl. I'll try my best to enjoy myself, hopefully come back a happier person.

See me soon!
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

How do I live

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Friday, January 11, 2008


Sometimes, when we can straighten out our thoughts, no mountain seems too high to climb, no problems seem to hard to overcome.

But sometimes, when our feelings over-rule our minds.. the same mountain seems too high to surmount, the same problem impossible to handle.

I thought I am always strong, and i've been strong all along. But I guess everyone is vulnerable at times too.

I've decided to cut my hair short.
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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Auditing 2007

A year went past... too quickly again.

Thinking back.. what have i learnt and what have i done in 2007?

1. I had the opportunity to see more of the world
Work gave me the chance to visit Europe, a place i prob wont have enough money to visit in the near future.

I also visited HongKong, and the best part wasn't the shopping, but making a new friend, Grace.

2. I re-discovered my friends again
I dunno if it's work that makes me treasure my friends more.. but i seriously saw more of them, more often. The fact that we can meet up more often than before makes me very happy. And i hope to form a deeper level of understanding with all of them in 2008.

3. I learnt the pain of losing someone
I re-lived the pain process again.. the saddness, the hurt, the pain, the hatred, the denial.. It taught to be become a stronger person, but it also taught me fear. Life has to move on, I am trying to lead a happy life and if you're reading this, I hope you're trying too.

4. I spent Sunday mornings more meaningfully
I starting volunteering at Sailability Jan 2007.. I wont say it's all fun everytime, considering that I have to drag myself out of bed at 8am almost every sunday morning and take the long bus ride to Changi Sailing Club. With time, i've already resigned to the fact that i wont buy a car in the near future. And with time, i built a special bond and friendship with all the disable sailors. Seeing their smiles and listening to their jokes makes me feel that i've made a difference to their lives, no matter how small my difference was.

5. I enjoy working
Work has become more challenging, ever since August. I have a fantastic boss, who is very generous with sharing her knowledge with me, and a great job scope. Finally, i'm learning something new, and something that i like. Although the stress is sometimes immense, I guess this is part of the challenge. Hope my job gets even better this year, and that i can call it my career.

6. My pet fishes died
My two pet fish, which were my birthday gift when i was 21 years old, decided to leave me. It was really sad for me, and I buried them both (to be more accurate my father buried for me while i cried). I still have another 2 left, they seem to be going strong. I dun hope for them to live till a ripe old age, if that entails suffering...

This year, I am not going to let 2008 pass me by again. It's time i start living a life, stop living in the past and start doing things that i've always wanted to do. I already have a list of new year resolutions, and the process detailing how i'm gg to achieve it.

Time to embrace the new year!
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